For the most part Mason sleeps through the night. HOWEVER, he is an early bird!! It doesn't matter how early or late this kid goes to is a miracle if we get him to sleep until 6am. He is usually awake for the first time by 4:30 am or 5 am, but we tell him "Mason, it's night-night, go back to sleep". We then hope and pray he falls back asleep until at least 6 am. His bedtime is 8 pm, but even if he's up later it has zero influence on his awake time.
Nana Jeanette and I took Mason and cousin Dawson to a Day Out With Thomas yesterday. I must say, the events of the day are still fresh in my mind. Beautiful day and thankful for the time with family. BUT, let's just put it this way..... If you were there and noticed a precious little boy using the bubble wand as a bat, throwing a FIT when he had to leave the bounce house and slide, sitting in time-out next to a tree behind the bounce house and then another time-out in one of the Johnny On The Spot's (yuck by the way) and then the grand finale.....a MAJOR breath hold under the tent while waiting on Thomas' wasn't Mason. Ok, it might have been Mason. ;o)
Riding the train....status post breath hold
Petting the goats....
Sounds like your household is a lot like ours...nearing the terrible 2s. Seen a lot of tantrums lately (or should I say HEARD a lot). Kate is a climber too and I worry if we will not be able to do the pack-n-play much longer when we go places. She mostly jumps and body slams in her crib (laughing the whole time).
I love all the pics of Mason. His hair looks like it is getting thicker. Laughed at the pic of him wearing your shoes;)
Oh man Jennifer...I was at Thomas too...with a full car load..two three year olds and a four year old and a was FUN...lemme tell ya! If I heard the Thoms the Train song ONE MORE TIME on that train, I was going to scream! ;)
Glad that you guys are doing well! Where did you guys move to in north Topeka?
Hey Jennifer -
I'm writing from Eagle's Nest. I have been a volunteer here for the past three summers and I would love to send a message on to you that I sent to other parent's of kids that have gone to their forever families. If you don't mind, send me an email to...
He is so precious...even if you holds his breath and throws a fit. :)
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