Monday, November 19, 2007

Extra Photos!

I received these photos over the weekend from another family who went down to the EN last week to visit their son. I am so grateful for these extra pictures (thanks again Stephanie!). He is just too precious. The wait is getting harder every day. She said he loves his swing!! I hadn't planned on getting one for the house, but may have to if he enjoys it that much.

As much as I hate missing him grow and change so quickly, I just thank God that he is a healthy and happy baby. There was a time early in our referral when he was hospitalized that I honestly didn't even know if this child would live. Thank you God, for this wonderful, precious little boy that you have brought into my life.

Supposedly the amendments (for the grandfather clause) are to be voted on tomorrow. Please keep our family and the MANY other waiting families and children in your prayers....pray that the grandfather clause is passed so those in-process are allowed to complete their adoption.


Anonymous said...

Oh, my gosh! He is absolutely adorable. He also looks like he would be the most wonderful cuddlier. I know your arms ache for him and I believe he is flourishing because of your love and prayers. Love, Janet

jajbs said...

He is SO cute... I love the sleeping pic!!!

I am keeping all of you waiting in my prayers!


Amy said...

He is sooo cute. :)

Whitney said...

He is so very sweet!

Pineapple Princess said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for praying for pre-approval for us! I needed the encouragement. You made my day!