Wednesday, March 5, 2008

March Maddness!

Hello! Today Mason is 8 months old! We received new photos and a health update today. Mason does have a cold right now, so we are praying he is feeling better soon. His weight is now 16# 7 oz and he is 26" long.

I have completely lost my mind due to anticipation and excitement (hence the title of this post!). I should not be allowed to operate a vehicle until after he is home...I have stopped at green lights, ran red lights and completely bypassed my turns multiple times in the past week. By the grace of God, I have not injured myself, anyone else or received a ticket! I have been popping flintstones and vitamin C to keep myself from getting sick (I swear nearly everyone around us as fallen ill to the flu or the respiratory junk). I have Mason's suitcase and the donations/care pkg's packed (down to 2 suitcases!). I even managed to make a few ice cube trays full of homemade baby food! Yes, me! Look out Martha Stewart! :)

We are now counting down the DAYS until Mason is in our arms FOREVER!

Please pray for Mason's health and safety (as well as ours), safe travels and a happy union of our family! We pray that our family will attach and bond in a healthy and quick fashion. Also, hold the other EN families and babies in your thoughts and prayers. There are several families still in process, who ache to have their babies home soon. There are also still babies at the EN who have not been matched with forever families due to legal aspects of the current adoption process.


Sara said...

I have been thinking about you and wondering if you have been jumping out of your skin in excitement!! I pray that you will have safe travels, a wonderful trip, and a quick adjustment. I am so happy that will soon be joined with your son forever. Being excited about your process helps all of us waiting!!

Anonymous said...


Congratulations! I know how long you have yearned to hold your baby in your arms. I stopped to see your Mom today and she wasn't at work, but I left a package for you for Mason. I hope you don't mind sending it via Grandma Jeanette. Please have a safe trip. We're very happy for you!

The Buchmans

Pineapple Princess said...

I just want to plant a big one on Mason's sweet kissin' cheeks!


Anonymous said...

I love those pictures--too cute.

Can't wait to see the ones of the three of you together!

Holding you up in prayer--

Amy said...

We'll pray for safety in your distraction! I can only imagine how excited you must be!! Praying that when your family is all together it is the greatest of times and may the Lord bless your family for many years to come. :)

Chris and Lindsey Wheeler said...

What a doll!! I am praying...for health, safety...and for the time to fly by!!!


Whitney said...

Soon, soon! Praying you stay safe and well while you wait this last stretch. Also, praying for sweet Mason as he adjusts to his Mommy and Daddy and all the exciting things that come with being in a family.

Therese said...

Yipee for new pictures. Knowing how eagerly you've waited for pictures all these months, I can only imagine the memory card on your camera the first week you have sweet Mason home!

Each day as I look at the date on the calendar, I think "this is the last 5th, 6th, etc. of the month you'll spend without Mason!"

I'm so glad your wait is coming to an end!


Anonymous said...

Matt and Jennifer,
What an adorable little boy!! We are so happy for you. Mom (Gwen) had forwarded this to me and it is great to see pictures of the new parents!! I will have to send this on to Valorie since she was the one that told me that you were adopting a baby from Gautamala. He is too cute.; Best wishes to you.