I am happy to report that we continue to receive good news! Our last update was at 2pm this afternoon. Mason is off the vent and has been extubated! He is breathing fine on his own...he is still on O2 and in ICU for continued monitoring.
They hope to move him to the pediatric floor later today. They will also try to start bottle feedings soon. While on the pediatric floor a Nanny from the children's home will be with him until he is discharged from the hospital. A tentative DC date is unknown...most likely a few days to a week.
I want everyone to know that we truly appreciate your prayers....this is the greatest gift you could have given Mason! Please continue to pray for a full recovery and that he will be able to tolerate bottle feedings safely.
Several people have asked if we will be able to get him home sooner, since he has been hospitalized....the answer is no. The only true way to expedite a case due to a medical condition is if it is chronic AND the case is in final court (PGN). I am more than willing to wait for him, if it means him staying healthy!!
Another question I have been asked....can they do the DNA test while he is in the hospital? No, the only place DNA testing can be done in Guatemala is at an independent lab in Guatemala City. Right now Mason is in a hospital in Quetzaltenango...which is about an hour drive from Solola (where the EN is) and at least a 5 hour trip to Guatemala City. The DNA test will have to be done once he is out of the hospital and well enough to travel. In addition, his biological mother needs to be present at the same time, for the testing.
This leads to another question....can his bio-mom change her mind? Yes, and this scares us to death. The DNA test will be the first time she has seen him since turning him over to the EN's care. It will be the second time she must sign to consent to the adoption (the first time was at the hospital, 3rd time will be the social work interview, final time will be PGN). Our agency is hoping to do the DNA & SWI at the same time....one trip for the bio-mom and kill two birds with one stone.
I can hardly stand to think about this, so I am trying to not dwell on it. We ask that you pray for Mason's bio-mom's safety, health and cooperation. This is a process that is truly out of our hands...we have given it over to God. We believe that God has brought Mason into our lives for a reason. We pray that he will be able to come home with us soon!
As for a visit trip....oh, you know I can't stay away!!! Especially now, after he has been so ill. I would of loved more than anything to have jumped on a plane Monday night to go be at his side. However, there are a few problems. One, I don't even know how to pronounce the name of the town he is hospitalized at (so I wouldn't have gotten far) and two, we are still waiting on dear hubby's passport! Also, I am pretty sure with the state of mind I was in, the hospital staff (and possibly the Guatemalan govt) would have kindly escorted me right on back home!! : )
Before we can visit we need two things: Completed DNA & passports! Oh, and vacation time and money!!
Please continue to keep Mason, the children's home and Mason's bio-mom in your prayers!